Fisher Daniel
Male 1619 - 1683

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  • Birth  Abt 1619  England, U.K. Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Gender  Male 
    _UPD  14 AUG 2009 23:10:04 GMT-5 
    Died  08 Oct 1683  [2
    Person ID  I4762  Alan Donald Vibber
    Last Modified  08 Dec 2009 
    Father  Fisher Anthony,   b. Abt 1591,   d. 18 Apr 1671, Dorchester - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Mother  Mary 
    Family ID  F1967  Group Sheet
    Family  Marette or Marriott or Marriot or Marryott Abigail,   b. 02 Jan 1617,   d. 11 Oct 1683 
    Married  16 Nov 1641  [1, 3
     1. Fisher Daniel,   b. 26 Feb 1650, Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 17 Nov 1713, Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
    Family ID  F1965  Group Sheet
  • Notes 
    • 11. Daniel3, son of Anthony2 (3), "of Dorchester," was b. in England about 1619 ; came with his parents to Dedham in 1637 ; was admitted to the Dedham church in 1639, with the singularly complimentary notice by the pastor :

      "8ly Daniel Fisher who appeared to be a tender hearted & hopeful Christian young man : as allso divers of ye church yt had long knowne him testified, & so was easily and gladly received."

      We find him first mentioned in the Dedham town records as Sergeant Daniel, being one of those assembled at the town meeting, 17. 3. 1639 (May 17), and was chosen measurer, May 30, 1640. He was made afreeman May 13, 1640; joined the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, May, 1640, and was first sergeant of the Company in 1655. He m., Nov. 16, 1641, Abigail, dau. of Deacon Thomas and Susanna Marriott, of Cambridge ; she joined the Dedham church, March 5, 1647. Daniel d. Oct. 8, 1683 ; his widow, three days later. " He took an active part in the first organized efforts of society and the church at the time of the settlement of Dedham ; his being- the eighth name on the roll of the church (1638), with the complimentary endorsement before related."

      He assisted in " laying out the bounds of this Towne com- pleate," July 14, 1641, and was granted six acres of upland upon the plain lying southwest of Mr. Cook's farm, Nov. 2, 1642, and had four acres of woodland, Feb. 4, 1644-5. Sergeant Daniel was chosen a town surveyor, 1643, 1644, and 1648, and becoming selectman of Dedham, Jan. 1, 1649-50, served the town for thirty-two years. He was represen- tative to the General Court, 1658 to 1682, excepting two years, 1659 and 1670 ; clerk of the writs, Jan. 1, 1672-3; State surveyor, county commissioner, 1668, 1670, and 1683 ; and speaker of the House of Deputies in 1680, 1681 and 1682 ; afterwards he was one of the Court of Assistants, in which office he died in 1683. He was a man of high patriotic spirit, and is said to have been learned in the law. (Dexter's Centennial Sermon, p. 26.)

      He is mentioned as Ensign Daniel in the proceedings of the town meeting of Jan. 10, 1658-9, and we read " Ensign Daniel Fisher to be their captaine," in the proceedings of Oct. 15, 1673.

      "The Millitary Company of Dedham being destituí of Comission officers, the Court judgeth 1t meet to choose £ appoint Ensign Daniell Fisher to be their Captaine Sarg* W", Avery leiftenant, & NathanielSternes to be their ensign Oct 15 1673." [Mass. Col. Rec., IV, Part II, 567.]

      We can gain some light as to his age from the following : " Daniell Fisher being aged about 43 yeares, being prsent at both these meetings testify th.e same," Jan. 29, 1661-2. Also a deposition of Daniel Fisher, aged 51, on Court files of Suffolk County Court, 1669. Fac-similes of his signatures will also be found in Hill's Dedham Records, IV, 271, 277. In a letter of Walt Winthrop to Fitz-John Winthrop, of New London, May 18, 1683, we find this item : " Our election is as formere, only Mr Woodbridg and little Fisher aded." (Mass. Hist. Colls., 5th Ser., VIII, 436.)

      The following named appointments reveal his estimate by the Government as a representative at that time : In May, 1663, he was chosen one of the committee of thirteen to draw up an answer to a letterwritten by King Charles II, to be submitted to the next General Court; in June, 1665, he was selected with Gov. Bellingham, Major Willard, Edward Collins and Edward Jackson to serve as a committee " to peruse those objections which His Majesty's Commissioners hath made against our laws and to consider what is necessary to be done thereto, and present the same to the Court." In the same year, withLieut. Joshua Fisher, he was appointed to lay out 5oo acres of land granted on petition of William Hudson. Ap1il 29, 1668, he was chosen with Capt. Foster, as county commissioner for Suffolk County; also as one to settle the Chickering estate ; was chosen to arrange matters in organix- ing the town of Wrentham; to settle d1fferences at Mendon ; was appointed with Isaac Aldington, attorney for theColony, to draw up charges and implead in the case of Wharton, Paige and others, in a matter of much interest; was on the committee to settle a serious difficulty with the people of Salem; was to return a list of soldiers who were entitled to a bounty for services in Philip's War; was on a committee with Edmund Quincy to divide an estate in Newbury; was authorized to marry persons by request of Dedham people. " Capt Fisher is nominated to mary Persos and to giue oath and the Con- stobile is desired to present him to the Court that so he may beimpoured."—Dedham Records, Jan. 1, 1676-7. Was chosen to search out defamers of government or governor; one of the committee from Massachusetts to dispose of conquered lands taken in Indian wars; and to arrange matters between the Indians and the inhabitants of Sherborn and Marlborough. He also took part in the effort to secure and retain the Massachusetts Charter, as appears by the following extract:

      '' The securing of our original patent being matter of great importance, and the former provision in that respect, made in the year 1664, being at an end by the decease of most of the persons betrusted in that order, this Court doth therefore order that the patent be forthwith sent for, and committed to our present honored Deputy Governor [Thomas Danforth], Capt. John Richards, and Capt. Daniel Fisher, with Major Thomas Clarke, one of the last committee who are to take care of the same ; to whose wisdom we refer it, to dispose of it as may best tend to prevent any inconvenience relating thereunto.'' He was on the committee '' to consider our laws already made, that may need emendation, or may not so clearly be warranted from the word of God, and to draw up such laws and orders, as, being presented by them at the next Court of Election, may then be considered, and upon further deliberation, be confirmed. '' He assisted also in the division of grants to sufferers in Philip's War, in Medfield and Sherborn, etc. Toward the close of the long struggle for the preservation of the Colonial Charter, Daniel Fisher became prominent. He was one of the ¡our whom Randolph accused of high crimesand misdemeanors. (Seealso Palfrey's History, Vol. III, p. 365 ; 25Oth Anniversary of Dedham, pp. 65, 66, 209; S. F. Haven's Centennial Address at Dedham, pp. 41-2 ; Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts, Vol. II, pp. 335, 336, note. Roberts' Hist. of Anc. & Hon. Artillery Company, pp. 100, 101 ; Whitman's Hist. A. and H. A. Company, Ed. 1842; New Eng. Hist. and Gen. Reg., 1862, Vol. XVI, p. 316.) .

      ' ' Such being his public position, it is a matter of surprise to me that I can find nothing in regard to his private life, although I have made extensive search." (Dewing.) On Jan. 16, 1681, the records state " Cap' Fisher hath liberty to take timber of the Commons for two or thre hundred rayles and posts proportionable and for boards to finish his house and barne. ' ' Dorchester Records containthe following: "At a meeting of the Select men the 27 (4) -1670 at Captin Fosters hous, at the motion of Ensigne Daniell Fisher of Deadham, ther was granted to him and his Brothers, soe much Seare Céder as they shall make vse off for Shingle ( vnless the Select men p'hibitt him) in a Swamp or Swamps neer pole-plaine and a quantity of Greene Cedar for Clobord to the quantity of a thousand or two thousand of Cloboard."

      Dedham " 18, 5 : 60 : ?ss?mb : after pnblike lueeteing Eld' Hunting, Lieft: Fisher, Pet Woodward, Ens. F1sher, Nath. Coaleburne & Elea Lusher

      The Fishers Libertie is granted to Ens. Fisher & Nathanell Fisher. 1teert Chs river to haue all the denidents due to Cornellins Fisher. over agains James Jordan and Thomas Jordan in the 500 acre Daniel Morses deuident layed out neere or adjoyneing to the grant farm of Antho. Fisher senio neere to Charles Riner. ouer against Daniell Morses Farme."

      ' ' He lived in Dedham on Lowder street, the homestead being the estate now owned by Mrs. Rodman, (a descendant of the Fishers.) I understand by tradition (deemed reliable) that his home stood where her stable now stands. " ( B. H. Dewing. ) His property was assessed at L139 on Feb. 20, 1656-7. It may be presumed that he died suddenly, as he left no will for the settlement of his estate, which was administered upon by his sons Daniel and John. The inventory, made Nov. 19, 1683, (Suffolk Pro., file 1319) gives personal property and real estate to the value of over L530.

      There is some question as to the parentage of Ensign Daniel, some contending that he was the Daniel, son of Amos, of Custridge Hall, Essex, England, and that he came to New England with his uncles and cousins in 1636 or 1637. But from the following we would conclude that .he was one of Anthony's sons:

      Letters of administration were granted "to'Ensign Daniel Fisher and Nathaniel Fisher sonnes of Anthony Fisher of Dorchester." (Suffolk Pro., Liber VII, fol. 122.) Nathaniel Fisher (9), in his will appointed his'' brother-in-law Elder John Hunting and brother Daniel Fisher Executors,'' and the inventory of the estate was presented by Elder John Hunting and Captain Daniel Fisher. Also see extract from Dorchester Records, supra, and account of John Fisher (12.)

      About 1671, Col. Goffe and Col. Whalley, two of the regicide judges of Charles I, were hidden "by Captain Daniel in a little wood back of his house on Lowder street, near a pond. While there secreted, Captain Daniel's daughter, Lydia, carried them their food. Goffe was subsequently sent disguised as a serving-man on horseback to Hadley, where Captain Daniel had friends, remaining there a year in their care." (See under 25 i, Lydia4 Fisher.) Children b. at Dedham were:

      -Abigail, b. Aug. 2, bapt. Aug. 23, 1646; 1n. Lieut. John Baker, of Dedham, Dec. 17, 1668; d. Jan. 13, 1723. (Baker's Descendants of Edward Baker, pp. 83-96.)
      -25. Daniel*, b. Feb. 26, bapt. March 17, 165o; m. Mary Fuller, Jan. 19, 1675.
      -25 1/2. Lydia*, b. July 14, bapt. Aug. 1,1652; m. Nathaniel Chickcring, Dec. 13, 1674; d. July 17, 1737. (Dedham Register, Vol. III, p. 117.)
      -26. Amos4, b. Nov. 8, 1654; m. 1st, Mary Ellis, March 12, 1680; m. 2d, Ruth Adams, Dec. 22, 1691; d. in 1736.
      -27. John, b. July 2o, 1656; m. Rebecca Ellis, June 15, 1681; d. Jan. 25, 1736.
      -ESTHER4, b. Aug. 5, bapt. Aug. n, 1661; m. Thomas Fuller, April 25, 1688; d. April 3, 1747. (Dedham Register, Vol. IV, p. 161.)
      -JEREMIAH4, b. Dec. 12, 1658 ; a soldier in Captain John Jacobs' company in King Philip's War, June 24, 1676; assigned his wages (I2s) Aug. 24, 1676 (Hodge's Philip's War, 285, 368); d, Sept. 19, 1676.
  • Sources 
    1. [S236] The Fisher Genealogy Record of the Descendants of Joshua, Anthony, and Cornelius Fisher, of Dedham, Mass., 1630-1640, Philip A Fisher, (Name: Massachusetts Pub. Co., 1898;), 23 (Reliability: 3).

    2. [S236] The Fisher Genealogy Record of the Descendants of Joshua, Anthony, and Cornelius Fisher, of Dedham, Mass., 1630-1640, Philip A Fisher, (Name: Massachusetts Pub. Co., 1898;), 24 (Reliability: 3).

    3. [S236] The Fisher Genealogy Record of the Descendants of Joshua, Anthony, and Cornelius Fisher, of Dedham, Mass., 1630-1640, Philip A Fisher, (Name: Massachusetts Pub. Co., 1898;), 36 (Reliability: 3).